Youth Art Outreach Grants for Area Art Teachers

2025 Youth Art Outreach Grants call for applications

At least two grants, ranging from $200 t0 $500, designed to promote fine arts knowledge and practice are awarded annually.  Fundraising and donations can increase the number of awards.  All Springfield area elementary and high school art teachers may apply to fund their projects.  Grants may be used for, but are not limited to:

  • promoting the understanding of an artist's work or an art genre.
  • improving the school building environment with an art project executed by the students.
  • learning about the Springfield area community and sharing the information through art projects which culminate in an art show.
  • teaching new art techniques and ways to incorporate them into mixed media art projects.
  • reclaiming and re-purposing non-traditional items into art creations.
Applications are e-mailed to the Springfield area schools and can be downloaded HERE: Springfield Ceramics and Crafts Club Youth Art Outreach Grant

Applications must be received by November 22, 2024.

Applications are reviewed and projects selected by a team of SCCC members.  Grants are awarded the first week of January, no later than January 15.  Funded projects are invited to be displayed at the SCCC Table Setting Luncheon.

2023 Youth Art Outreach Grants were awarded to:

Maggie Mathenia, Springfield Ball Charter School, for glass supplies for stained and fused glass projects.

Jake Stapleton, Springfield High School, for the redesign and upgrade of tables for graphic art studio.

Corie Decker, Franklin Middle School, for printer materials for T-shirts.

Kristen Jurgens, Lanphier Hight School, for recycling bottle caps into wall murals.

2022 Youth Art Outreach Grant

In 2022, SCCC hosted two public fundraisers in support of the YAOG:

  • The Craft Crop is a fun day to get projects off of your “to-do” list. Bring your projects, tools and supplies. Paper craft, sew, knit, bead or any other craft! Registration includes morning goodies & coffee, lunch, hourly drawings, “Make-It & Take-It” projects and more.
  • Table Setting Luncheon: YAOG funded projects are displayed from 10:00am – 2:00pm, This years event is April 22 & 23. Tickets are $10 per person.

Contact to order tickets.  Both events are held at the SCCC club house located at 2626 S. Pasfield St., Springfield, IL 62704.

2022 Youth Art Outreach Grant Recipients:

This year’s winners are a $500 grant awarded to Springfield High School art teacher, Beth Pianezza for Fiber Art; and, a $300 grant was awarded to Tricia Sennings, art teacher at Enos & Hazel Dell Elementary Schools for Gelli Plate Printing.

“Supporting art education for local students is just one of the Springfield Ceramics and Crafts Club’s community service projects.  Our grants provide the funds for art teachers to buy materials for special art activities and units of study.” said Katherine Pippin Pauley, YAOG Chairperson.

“The Springfield Ceramics and Crafts Youth Art Outreach Grant gives my students access to supplies that otherwise would not be available. I am incredibly thankful for the generosity and support for my classroom.” said Beth Pianezza. Art Educator Springfield High School.

Applications are e-mailed to the Springfield area schools or can be downloaded at: For next year, applications must be received by November 18, 2022 (the Friday before Thanksgiving.)  Applications are reviewed and projects selected by a team of SCCC members.  Grants are awarded no later than January 15 each year.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Springfield Ceramics and Crafts Club, visit or Email: for more information.  Donations to the Youth Art Outreach Grant funding should be mailed to: Springfield Ceramics and Crafts Club, 2626 S Pasfield St.; Springfield, IL  62704.

2019 Awards:

Beth Pianezza, Springfield High School, $500 for mixed media embroidery

Kimberly Magowan, St. Agnes, $500 for mixed media art relating to the empathy project

Amy Minch, Franklin Middle School, $400 to integrate digital art into traditional drawing and printmaking

Kristen Jurgens, Lanphier High School, $400 for portrait murals for the hallway

Anthony Wilson, Lanphier High School, $200 for painted murals for the cafeteria


Fall 2018 Awards: $500 – Kimberly Magowan, St. Agnes; $500 – Lisa Beenenga, Southeast High School; $250 – Robert Mitchell – Lincoln Magnet School; $250 – Beth Rianegga, Springfield High School; $100 Kelly Minder – Owen Marsh; $100 Kristin Jurgens – Lanphier.

For more information on the Youth Outreach Grant Email: