SCCC Artisan Holiday Market and Sweet Shop

2024 Holiday Market & Sweet Shoppe

Saturday, November 9, 2024  *   9 am – 4 pm

The public is invited to attend!

No charge for entry.  


Springfield Ceramics & Crafts Club
2626 South Pasfield
Springfield, IL 62704

About the Holiday Market & Sweet Shop

This fundraiser supports SCCC operating expenses and programs.  Our holiday Market is a  “shopportunity” to select from the best of crafts and holiday decorations made by our club artisans.  The Studio is beautifully displayed with practical gifts such as knit shawls, scarves, animal hats for kids, felted mittens and slippers, and stocking-stuffers.  Elegant beaded, copper enameled and ceramic jewelry can delight any lady on your list.   The Sweet Shop offers a variety of decorated holiday cookies, breads and a variety of other goodies.

Downstairs will offer a Beverage Bar.  Before or after your shopping, or if needing a little break, visit the lower level where you will be able to purchase a cup of hot chocolate, hot or cold cider or bottled water and a sweet treat.  RADA Cutlery and Mixes will also be displayed in the lower level with some items for sale and dip mixes available for sampling.  RADA can also be ordered and shipped to your home.

Holiday Market is open to the public.  Help spread the word by posting Holiday Market posters at bulletin boards you visit.  Flyers are available at the club.

**RADA  SCCC fundraises through sales of RADA quality cooking utensils and dip and soup mixes.  To purchase RADA products online with sales benefitting SCCC, log into  At the top of the page click on "Choose Your Fundraising Group".  Choose  “Springfield Ceramic and Crafts”, then begin shopping.  Your purchase from RADA website will be shipped directly to you.

For more information contact: