RADA Cutlery Fundraising

SCCC fundraises through sales of RADA quality cooking utensils and dip and soup mixes. Rada Cutlery is 100% American made, with a reputation for remarkable cutlery, service, and value.

Made with the best high carbon stainless steel, RADA cutlery has a razor sharp edge. Orders ship within 48 hours, and RADA treats  customers as they would like to be treated.

Support SCCC - Order RADA Now!

To purchase RADA products online with sales benefitting SCCC, log into www.RADAfundraising.com.  At the top of the page click on "Choose Your Fundraising Group".  Choose  “Springfield Ceramic and Crafts”, then begin shopping. Your purchase will be shipped directly to you.

Purchases also can be made by contacting ScccRADA@gmail.com, with orders shipped to the RADA chair.