SCCC Studio and Facilities Rental

Studio rental is a source of income making it possible  to maintain and upgrade our facility.  You can help increase the number of rentals by telling your neighborhood association, clubs and other organizations that our facility is available  at very reasonable rental rates.  Rent the studio for your own family celebrations.

Our building is a multi-level facility with a kitchen, parking lot, tables, chairs.  Table covers are available. The lower level also has a small kitchen and multiple rooms.  It is handicapped accessible with a lift chair on the stairway.

Member referral name required and:

  • $20/hr. member rate
  • $30/hr. non-member rate
  • $100 check for security deposit, returned

    An increase in Rental fees will be effective May 1, 2023:  Members - $20 per hour; Non-Members - $30 per hour.

For studio rental contract and scheduling contact: