Soup Bowl Luncheon

Handmade Soup Bowls

Supporting the SCCC Ceramics Program,  

TBD  2025

11:30 am Members may bring non-member guest!

Reservations required – contact:

$20 per person



Springfield Ceramics & Crafts Club
2626 South Pasfield
Springfield, IL 62704

About the Soup Bowl Luncheon

The SCCC Soup Bowl Luncheon supports the Ceramics Program.  Handcrafted ceramic bowls made by SCCC members are included in the price of the luncheon. Guests may choose their bowl and enjoy a selection of Panera soup while enjoying a relaxing lunch with friends/family.

The SCCC ceramics program is a treasure thanks to Ceramics Co-Chairs Patty Kilby and Jennifer Shrack.  Our facility is equipped with kilns used for ceramics and copper enameling, and we are fortunate to have the expertise to offer these programs for our learners.

This event benefitting the ceramics facility brings interested members into the ceramics studio to make soup bowls for the soup luncheon.

Your participation and generosity helps meet rising costs of operations and funding for a new kiln.